"Meeting" in Palmanova
- Details
- Category: Notizie
- Published: Monday, 22 December 2014 06:03
- Written by Super User
- Hits: 1752
It all started from a single message around November:
"We can not wait to meet this spring, let's meet before the holidays ..."
And so started the organizational machine !!
All were happy to join the meeting launched my and Giorgio idea: right away all that were there gave their ok (unfortunately Francesco and Sergio for commitments could not be with us in any any possible date ). Designated date December 21 for lunch.
Starting up early from Belluno, Verona, Vicenza etc ... appointment to the greenhouses of Franco at 10:30.
During the trip comes to all a greeting from the great Giorgio makes us a nice overview of the situation and warns us that we will find the equally great Giuliano to welcome us.
A little 'time to come all: Giuliano (which is already there), I, Eleonora, Wanda and Michele, Elvia and Moreno, Cristiano and Erika, Nico and Nicoletta, Erika, the great Alfredo who has come all the way alone (!!), the magnificent Claudio and Silvia who come from far away to give us their wonderful company, Miriam, Roberto, Loris, Enrica, Carlo, Raffaella and Marco, Giorgio and Fabiana and, last but not least, the beloved Franco who reurn from work.
After several strolls for greenhouse and choosing some plants we go to lunch: destination "Trattoria" / Farmhouse "Da Ivan". Great company and great food ... what else ??
After chatting and eating properly we salute (someone stays longer) making greetings and promising to meet again soon.
A special thanks to the two columns of Friuli Giuliano and Giorgio ... THANK YOU !!
Thank Giorgio for this photo
Cactus house friends 2014 - now upload
- Details
- Category: Notizie
- Published: Saturday, 13 September 2014 08:31
- Written by Super User
- Hits: 1899
Hello everyone! News referred to on the menu -> Cactus friends parties you will see the article and photos of the beautiful day spent with many friends "succulent" and not
Palmanova 2014
- Details
- Category: Notizie
- Published: Thursday, 07 August 2014 08:13
- Written by Super User
- Hits: 1591
...the desire to meet ourselves it was too much ...
It's been too long since we meet "Friulan's friends"; made a round of messages and calls then is all set: LET'S FIND OUR FRIENDS
Saturday 19 early in the morning me, my mother Wanda and Elvia move to Palmanova.
Leaving the motorway immediately meet the great Giorgio and Giuliano; here waiting for Erica, Alfredo, Cristiano and Nico.
After greetings and hugs as usual, we start with tours ... the stages are provided by Carlo, Francesco, Franco (who could not be there for the wedding of the son ... congratulations!!!), Giuliano and, last but not least, Giorgio.
At the first stage we also meet Raffaella that will be ours.
Given the raw wonders, the first collections and made small talk is come time for lunch: we are by Francesco (where we also meet Enrica) where he and his sweet Elena prepared tables for lunch. In "Friulan boys and girls" 's style everyone brought something. I do not want preferences but some delicacies I have been particularly impressed: "bruschetta" of Elena and Francesco, as their cake (both vegan's dishes), the Enrica's "acciughelli" and the mythical Giuliano's onions.
Once we got going for good and we gave a last glance we left: the wonders we have seen are many, we could not put them all in the gallery, but definitely a little taste that will make you understand the love that makes each of our friends in the care of their plants.
At the end, to top it off, we moved to the house of Giorgio. Looking at her stunning collection, chatting with friends and eating a Fresh watermelon, time flies and, unfortunately, it is already time to go back (not before collecting some sucker kindly provided by Giorgio :) )
A big hello a great thanks to all the friends present (specially who has allowed us to get into their own home), to those who could not be there as Erika (Cristiano ;) ), Miriam, Franco, Loris and Moreno, with the knowledge that you have spent a wonderful day together and the assurance that we will meet again soon !!
Here are some photos of the meeting:
Ravenna 2014
- Details
- Category: Notizie
- Published: Friday, 06 June 2014 08:00
- Written by Super User
- Hits: 1888
Saturday on May 31 and Sunday on June 1st was held the traditional show of succulent plants: this year the title was "Plants from enchantment".
All of us would like to thank the organizers group for their invitation to give a conference, and for having once again offered a beautiful setting for meetings succulent; nurserymen who have offered their full availability and all the participants for having enriched the days.
We send a big hello and goodbye in your beautiful Ravenna next year.
By clicking here you can see some pictures of the exhibition:
Astrokaktus 2014 - Ljubljana
- Details
- Category: Notizie
- Published: Saturday, 05 April 2014 19:46
- Written by Super User
- Hits: 2105
Un paio di settimane fa abbiamo ricevuto un graditissimo invito dal nostro amico Giorgio: "Noi andiamo a far visita all'amico Zvone, il proprietario del vivaio Astrocactus, a Lubiana: venite con noi?"
Per me non ci sono stati dubbi, la compagnia è garanzia di divertimento, inoltre è da un pò che volevo visitare il vivaio; purtroppo Elvia e Moreno non sono riusciti a venire, per cause di forza maggiore, cosi questa volta sarò io a raccontarvi la bellissima giornata.
Partenza da casa alle ore 06:30 per trovarci al piazzale Casa Rossa di Gorizia. Siamo stati quasi tutti puntuali...
All'appello siamo io, Carlo, Erika, Francesco, Franco, Giorgio, Giuliano, Loris, Miriam, Raffaella, Sergio e Wanda (peccato per chi non c'era...)
Dopo averlo raggiunto a casa, Zvone ci accompagna alla serra: una meraviglia! Una volta entrati si viene avvolti dalle piante: le piante sono ovunque, è addirittura complicato raggiungere alcune zone, ma sono tutte molto belle e sane. Faccio i miei complimenti a Zvone perché è bravissimo a mantenerle così bene. Tutti ci lustriamo gli occhi e facciamo i nostri acquisti... (qualcuno con l'aiuto del padrone di casa, sempre disponibilissimo).
Una volta terminato il giro, vista la pioggia, torniamo a casa di Zvone per il pranzo al sacco: gentilmente ci ha preparato dei tavoli al coperto davanti casa. Qui fra Lambrusco, Cabernet, frico, salame, cipolle sott'olio, torte dolci e salate (tutti abbiamo condiviso qualcosa rispettando il "friulan style") gozzovigliamo alla grande!
Quando siamo super sazi, Zvone ci accompagna a vedere la sua collezione: le perle più belle sono i Discocactus...stupendi!
Salutiamo Svone dandoci appuntamento a Trento.
Arrivati a Gorizia anche per noi giunge il momento di salutarci: c'é un po' di dispiacere al momento della partenza, ma anche la consapevolezza di aver passato una giornata bellissima, in un posto bellissimo, con una compagnia MERAVIGLIOSA!!
Ringrazio tutti per la meravigliosa giornata: si vede proprio che eravamo felici.
Grazie a Zvone che, oltre alla sua serra, ha condiviso con noi il suo tempo, la sua collezione e la sua casa: persona squisita.
Un ringraziamento particolare va a Giorgio per avere condiviso con noi le sue foto ma soprattutto per essere così MITICO!!
Ecco le foto della giornata (alcune foto sono visibili anche sul forum di cactipedia):